
Thursday, 14 November 2013

Te Waihou Walkway - Putaruru,New Zealand ***推荐!!~ ***

Te Waihou Walkway

Day trip:Te Waihou Walkway (Blue Spring) 1 hour 30min walk (one way) at Putaruru town

Te Waihou, meaning 'the new water'. The reason for the blue colour of Te Waihou and the Blue Spring is due to the high optical purity of the water.
前往Putaruru 是路经Tirau I-Site,好可爱的一间

I-site is selling bottle spring water which taken from this amazing blue spring. I filled up my water bottle too, and tasted, it's really taste like spring water. Yummie

Putaruru I-site 里就有一支支的矿泉水在卖。据I-site 的职员说他们都是从这个地方盛水的。原本到了目的地之后不太敢饮用那里的水,不过听了那里的职员解说之后,我也用了自己的瓶子装了一瓶来喝。天哪!味道真的很清甜,就像泉水一样。真是个意外的惊喜。我的朋友还很懊恼没装到泉水,在回家的路上一直嘟囔着很后悔。 =P 你也来尝一尝吧……
